Home Remedies for Fever


Human body has an optimum temperature range between 36.9 degree C and 37.5 degree C, or 98.4 Degree F and 99.5. Once the temperature goes beyond normal, the condition is called fever. It’s your body’s response to a toxin or infection that is triggering the immune system, and so fever is a good thing, in most cases is nothing to worry about. Treating a feverish person with natural home remedies is a gentler method that doesn’t introduce pharmaceuticals into their body or artificially force a fever down. This health guide gives you some of the top home remedies for fever that will bring your temperature down and protect you from the side-effects of the pills.


This is one of the tried and tested home remedies that many professionals support. Pour 7 cups of water in a pan. Chop 3/4 cup of raisins into small pieces and add to the water. Bring to a boil, then simmer until the water has been reduced by one-third. Drink two times in a day to bring back the temperature to normal. You can add one teaspoon of lemon juice to it in order to increase its intensity.


Saffron can be used as an effective treatment for fever. It contains the compound “crocin”, which scientists believe that helps in reducing fever. Take one tablespoon of saffron and boil it in 100 ml of water. The person suffering from fever takes one teaspoon of this after every hour.


For a person suffering from fever another quick home remedy is Artichokes. The artichokes should be boiled and cooked until it is soft. Let it cool down and eat the middle part of the leaves of artichoke, that is the heart of artichoke.

Proper hydration

Fever, especially if it is accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, can lead to fluid loss and an electrolyte imbalance, so one of the good home remedies for fever is drink lots of fluids. Cool water is best, and moreover, water can be taken in the form of juices if you do not want to drink just water.

Cool towel

Cold Compress, the Simplest treatment for fever. Take a piece of cotton cloth or handkerchief and soak in cool water. Place the towel on the skin at forehead, arms, legs and any other place. Contrary to popular belief, a towel on the forehead is not the best way to bring down a fever. Instead, place a cold towel on the back and around the sides of your neck so that it covers your carotid arteries (around the area just below your ears). This will directly cool your blood and lead to a lower body temp. Make sure that the patient is not feeling more discomfort by the cool towels, because it may trigger chills.

Warm Bath

Bathing in lukewarm water helps the body shed some of heat. It also relaxes the body which helps in sleeping better. The key is to make sure that the water is neither too hot nor too cold. If it is too hot, it will only make the fever worse. If it is too cold, that may cause a person to shiver, which will bring the internal temperature up even higher.


A doctor’s consultation is a must to know the exact diagnosis on the type of the fever, especially in case of children, as they may develop convulsions.

Normal body temperatures vary depending on many factors, including age, sex, time of day, ambient temperature, activity level, and more. A raised temperature is not always a fever.


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