Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit


Kiwi fruit, also known as Chinese gooseberry, is the edible berry of a woody vine in the genus Actinidia. Kiwi fruit was named after the New Zealand Kiwi bird – an unusual flightless bird- because they are both small, brown and furry. All parts of the kiwifruit are edible, including the skin, although the last is not liked by everyone. It is an exotic fruit that has a wonderful and distinct flavor, the tastes like a combination of pineapple, banana and strawberry. But, the real uniqueness of kiwi fruit comes from its health benefits. Here is the health benefits of kiwi fruit.

Fights cardiovascular diseases

Research studies have shown that certain substances in kiwi fruit functions as blood thinner function similar to aspirin, this prevents a build up of deposits and plaques in the arterial walls, consequently, guarding against cardiovascular diseases. Kiwi fruit has the same anti-clotting benefits with no side effects, just additional health benefits! In addition, it is a very rich source of healthy electrolyte potassium, which is potentially beneficial for heart health and in the maintenance of blood pressure. A kiwi fruit has about the same level of potassium as a banana – but only half the calories.

Skin care

An uncelebrated hero of supple skin is kiwi. Kiwi contain large amounts of the water-soluble vitamin C, which is needed to produce collagen. Collagen is a connective protein that helps to firm your skin. As an antioxidant, it helps to protect and rejuvenate damaged skin. In 2007, researchers from Austria published a study that demonstrated that as fruit ripens, their antioxidant levels increase. This was due to the breakdown of chlorophyll. Given this, you’ll get the most skincare benefits from ripe kiwis than non-ripe versions.

Kiwi fruit good for pregnant women

Kiwi fruit has four peaches’ worth of folate, which is essential for women before and during pregnancy. Folate prevents a child from being born with birth defects, it also assists in brain and cognitive development in children. Many countries are considering adding it to flour or bread to ensure the population consumes sufficient amounts.

Improves Digestive Health

Kiwi fruit is a very rich source of soluble dietary fiber (3.8 g per 100 g of fruit OR 10% of RDA). Dietary fiber is good for binding and removing toxins from the colon, which is helpful for preventing colon cancer and keep your digestive health. Moreover, raw kiwi contains actinidain, a protein-dissolving enzyme that can promote increased digestion and digestive comfort.

Boosts Your Immunity

Kiwi fruit contains high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, which are essential for a healthy immune system. Earlier research conducted in 2008 found mice consuming that consumed kiwifruit extract had stronger immune responses compared to the placebo group.

Protects Against Macular Degeneration

Kiwifruit contains lutein, an antioxidant that plays an important role in preventing loss of eyesight due to age-related macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in older adults. A study on over 110,000 men and women showed that eating 3 or more serving of fruit per day decreased macular degeneration by 36%. Three servings of fruit may sound like a lot to eat each day, but kiwifruit can help you reach this goal. Slice kiwi over your morning cereal, lunch time yogurt or green salads.

Prevents Asthma

Eating vitamin C-rich fruit such as kiwi may confer a significant protective effect against respiratory symptoms associated with asthma such as wheezing. A study found that children consuming more kiwi aided in their respiratory tracts and helped prevent asthma, wheezing and coughing.


Place an unripe kiwi fruit with a banana, apple, or pear to ripen it completely, because the kiwi is very sensitive to the ethylene gas given off by those other fruits and it will over ripen. However, once they are ripened, store them away from other fruit or they will decompose more quickly! Kiwi fruits can be stored at room temperature for 5 days if they are slightly unripe.


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