Benefits of Cod Liver Oil


Cod liver oil is a type of fish oil available in liquid and capsule form. Sourced from the liver of cod fish, It is rich in nutrients such as:

Vitamin A;

Vitamin D;

Omega-3 Fatty Acids;

EicosaPentaenoic Acid (EPA);

DocosaHexaenoic Acid (DHA).

Cod liver oil is a wonderful nutritional supplement which provides multiple health benefits:

1. Relieve Arthritis

Taking cod liver oil daily is a great way to prevent arthritis. For those with arthritis, it will provide relief from pain. The recommended cod liver oil dosage for arthritis is a teaspoon or two each day. For those using it in capsule form, follow the directions provided on the capsule bottle.

2. Healthy Skin and Anti-Ageing

A great benefit of cod liver oil is that it’s a natural source of Vitamin A.  Vitamin A helps to maintain a healthy immune system, helps resist bacterial and viral infections, and beneficial for eyesight and healthy skin. Daily intake of this can help slow the anti-ageing process of our skin cells and the decline in naturally produced collagen. This means cod liver oil is fantastic at fighting acne and sun damage.

3. Fight Type 1 Diabetes in Children

Findings from a study conducted showed that expectant women who took a cod liver oil teaspoon each day were at lesser risk of having children with type 1 diabetes. Pregnant women are, however, advised to consult their doctors prior to taking cod liver oil on a regular basis.

4. Prevent musculoskeletal pain

Muscle and bone pain are the two major symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. People who have this vitamin deficiency experience significant leg pain and find it hard to climb stairs. Studies have also shown that a teaspoon or two of cod liver oil increases levels of Vitamin D in the body. This helps reduce muscle pain and improves the strength of the muscles as well.

5. Cancer Prevention

Although information related to omega-3 fatty acids are speculative and complex in nature in relation to the prevent of Cancer, studies have indicated that omega-3 can help with prostate, breast and colorectal cancers. This may be due to the Vitamin D in fishy oils such as cod liver oil identifying the bad cells in the body, helping your system attack them.

6. Prevent Heart Diseases

A daily dose of a teaspoon or two of cod liver oil improves the functionality of the heart, even after a heart surgery or a heart attack. This, in turn, helps prevent diseases affecting the heart. Nutritional contents in cod liver oil make this benefit possible? Omega-3 fatty acids line the arteries after damage hence improving healing. Mineral absorption is also facilitated by Vitamins D and A thereby supporting blood vessel elasticity and improving functionality of the muscles.

7. Other Cod Liver Oil Benefits Include:

Thins the blood

Protects arteries from damage

Inhibits blood clots

Lowers blood pressure

Fights inflammation

Combats early kidney disease

Relieve glaucoma

Warning! While fish oil is likely safe for most people when taken in low doses (such as three or fewer grams per day), it may cause a number of side effects (including bad breath, heartburn, nausea and belching). It is not recommended that any patient take more than 2 teaspoons of cod liver oil daily, if you’re considering the use of cod liver oil in combination with other supplements or medications, talk to your doctor before beginning treatment. Some pregnant women use cod liver oil, but some doctors see this as a risk. Excessive amounts of cod liver oil can increase the risk of birth defects due to the excessive amounts of vitamin A.


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